This concept was introduced by the British computer scientist Edgar F. Codd in 1970 as part of his relational model.
"Database normalization is the process of structuring a relational database in accordance with a series of so-called normal forms in order to reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity." Database normalization - Wikipedia
Database normalization is a process of dividing large tables into smaller ones and linking them using database relationships. It involves defining the structure of a database with columns (attributes) and tables (relations).
Not applying database normalization can lead to several anomalies:
Insertion anomaly: Adding data to a table without knowing the values of all the attributes.
Update anomaly: This happens when incomplete updates are made due to redundant data in the table.
Deletion anomaly: Removing certain data can result in unintended loss of other relevant data.
"The process of normalization involves applying rules to a set of data. Each of these rules transforms the data to a certain structure, called a normal form." A Step-By-Step Guide to Normalization in DBMS With Examples (databasestar.com)
A normal form is applied to individual tables or relations. There are six normal forms, but the first three are the most commonly used. To be considered a third normal form, a database must satisfy the following requirements:
FIRST NORMAL FORM (1NF): Atomic values
Each table row should have a unique identifier, known as the primary key (PK).
Data stored in each table column should only contain a single value.
There are no repeating groups of table columns.
Built on 1NF rules.
Non-key attributes are fully dependent on the primary key. Only data associated with the PK is stored in each table.
2NF rules must be satisfied.
"There should be no intra-table dependencies between the columns in each table." Database Normalization in SQL with Examples – SQLServerCentral. In other words, every non-key attribute must depend solely on the primary key.
Consistency: It minimises data redundancy and the potential for inconsistencies and errors.
Integrity: It facilitates database management through relational integrity.
Data persistence: It stores data effectively and efficiently.
Structure: It builds a well-organised database design.
Complexity: Normalization to higher normal forms (4NF, 5NF) can be time-consuming and difficult to satisfy.
Joins: Several tables can produce relationships that are interrelated using joins.
Flexibility: Data is organised in a specific form, which can limit the flexibility of a database.
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